Tank was such a special boy who was loved so very much and is still missed every single day. He was in such bad condition when animal control had found him; he had been set on fire and beaten so badly that he was swollen beyond recognition of a dog upon first sight. At the time, in Broward County FL (where I once lived), pitbulls were automatically euthanized if found by animal control. This particular county employee that day knew there was something about this boy so he called this incredible woman Cheryl of Allen Babcock Rescue and she took him into her rescue.
They had him on the local news in an effort to find who did this to an approximately 8 month old puppy. I had just lost my dog Tyson to cancer and wanted to donate his food and medications for this poor puppy. When I went to make the donation, they asked if I wanted to see him, I said I just wanted to make the donation. As I said that, one of the vet staff walked by with him and I literally sunk to my knees and thought how on earth can someone do this??!!? I couldn’t stop thinking about him and went every week to sit with him for the 2 months he lived in medical care. He just wanted to play and be touched but that wasn’t possible as his skin had major healing to do.
Also added to the mix was a severe case of mange (which we worked on for YEARS). When he was finally ready for a forever home, Cheryl called me in tears saying she had people who wanted this dog but something was telling her that he was mine that I loved him at his worse. Thirteen years later and a different state on the map and a whole other lifestyle…. he was my entire world and we did everything together. Tank also unfortunately lost his battle with cancer and doing what was best for him was the worst for me; I will never be the same without him.
Every dog that Petals 4 Paws helps is surely done in Tank’s Loving Memory